Michelle Renshaw
My artistic passion is Porcelain Painting which I have been doing for 35 years. I also do Water Colour and Acrylic Painting as well as Kiln Fired Glass. Knitting and Crocheting also are great favourites.
My Porcelain Painting Career began when we moved to Mackay in 1981. Over the years I have studied with Porcelain Teachers from Europe, England, Brazil and USA learning new techniques with each one. It is perhaps not well understood that the finished products of porcelain art require many hours of painting and then kiln firing to 800 degrees and then repeating the process several times before being complete. A knowledge of kiln firing is very important to this art.
I studied Art at High School and loved to read about the Old Masters of Europe and how they all began their painting lives as Porcelain Painters in the Porcelain Factories of Europe. Here they learned to paint and then went on to their own styles and fame.
I have entered the RNA – Ekka for many years but became hooked when on my first entry I won several minor prizes and “The Judges Achievement Award”. I do quite a few commissions for speciality plaques and plates for special occasions such as Wedding, Anniversaries and Births. I have been a member of Scattered Arts for 13 years.